Monday, August 24, 2020

The Contemporary Healthcare System †

Question: Examine about the Contemporary Healthcare System. Answer: The contemporary medicinal services framework is seeing an advancement that depends on the vision of maintaining wellbeing advancement and essential consideration along with network based home consideration. Despite the fact that clinics are the mainstay of the sound social insurance framework, the essential assistance isn't adequate to determine the issues of developing wellbeing needs. The Strengths-Based Nursing Care (SBC) is the transformative methodology that means to create, prepare and underwrite the quality of a patient for advancing wellbeing (Lowe and Byers 2017). The current paper is a reaction to the accompanying proclamation The qualities based nursing care approach can supplement the issue based (clinical model) way to deal with social insurance as of now obvious in Australian human services framework. As featured by Swartz (2017) qualities based nursing care can be an extraordinary methodology that would reform the methods of conveyance care to medicinal services purchasers. It is recognized that qualities of human services administration maintain certain qualities that have been wrecked in the previous barely any years because of the ascent of what is called as a technocratic period. A deficiency model is regularly found to win that doesn't underline on the center issues looked by medicinal services customers. On the off chance that administrations turn the attention on the qualities that people have, care would enable, community, wellbeing advancing and individual focused. Gottlieb (2014) in such manner expressed that qualities based nursing care is fundamental to be applied alongside the clinical model as an exhaustive consideration can be given that tends to the various needs of the patients. The utility is that it goes about as a vehicle for driving consideration toward a pat h that remembers assets and resources for beating tolerant issues. Difficulties can be defeated in a successful way and inside a shorter time span. Gottlieb and Gottlieb (2017) opined that clinical model of care would be increasingly noticeable in its viability in the event that it settles upon the qualities based nursing care model. The model of qualities based nursing care involves an unmitigated discerning of the individual that has the basic rule of understanding human uniqueness. Such a headway would be increasingly about revealing, finding, acknowledging and understanding the relational, intrapersonal, natural, and social qualities present with the goal that individual and group needs are met enough. The progression to be assumed is to position the patient and the family at the focal point of care. Enabling the patient would infer that self-administration would make ready for fast patient recuperation. The individual would be urged to partake and be responsible for his own human services and recuperating. Finally, it would be tied in with reestablishing the key points of interest of the nurseperson relationship that advanc es wellbeing. What's more, there may be a backhanded improvement in the particular nursing practice. From the above conversation, the derivation that can be drawn is that qualities based nursing care approach has the capability of encouraging recuperating of people when actualized in conjunct with the clinical model. Australian human services framework is at present confronting difficulties in tending to the expanding the requirements of the maturing populace and the amalgamation of the previously mentioned two modes would be profoundly valuable in such manner. Present day social insurance in Australia would be established in basic based intuition because of this coordinated effort. References Gottlieb, L.N. furthermore, Gottlieb, B., 2017. Qualities Based Nursing: A Process for Implementing a Philosophy Into Practice.Journal of Family Nursing, p.1074840717717731. Gottlieb, L.N., 2014. CE: Strengths-Based Nursing.AJN The American Journal of Nursing,114(8), pp.24-32. Lowe, G. furthermore, Byers, L., 2017. Upgrading Strengths Based Nursing Practice. Swartz, M.K., 2017. A Strength-Based Approach to Care.Journal of Pediatric Health Care,31(1), p.1.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Tolstoys Philosophy of Art Essay examples -- Visual Arts Paintings Ar

Tolstoy's Philosophy of Art Tolstoy approaches workmanship with an unmistakable and restricted perspective on what is genuine and what is fake in arranging fine art and what makes a show-stopper positive or negative. Tolstoy accepts that a masterpiece can be named genuine if and just in the event that one man deliberately by methods for certain outer signs, hands on to others emotions he has lived through, and that others are contaminated by these emotions and furthermore experience them (10). He accepts that workmanship must be characterized as genuine by its capacity to cause the crowd to feel what the craftsman had planned to pass on with his/her work of art. The sentiments the craftsman means to pass on must likewise be earnest and genuine sentiments dependent on individual experience, communicated to the crowd so that the watcher/audience feels as though the craftsman is just communicating something he/she feels and has consistently yearned to communicate. To balance this definition, Tolstoy characterizes fake craftsmanship as having no impression on anybody (513). He says that distinctive genuine craftsmanship from fake workmanship should be possible essentially by deciding the irresistibleness of workmanship (514). Tolstoy guarantees that any bit of workmanship, regardless of how lovely, fascinating, intriguing, idyllic, striking, or sensible can't be characterized as genuine except if it additionally keeps up this nature of irresistibleness. Subsequent to characterizing the contrast among genuine and fake workmanship, Tolstoy proceeds to hand-off the distinction between what arranges great furthermore, awful workmanship. Tolstoy cl...

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Lithium Side Effects, Toxicity, and Monitoring Tests

Lithium Side Effects, Toxicity, and Monitoring Tests Bipolar Disorder Treatment Medications Print What You Need to Know to Safely Take Lithium By Marcia Purse Marcia Purse is a mental health writer and bipolar disorder advocate who brings strong research skills and personal experiences to her writing. Learn about our editorial policy Marcia Purse Updated on December 09, 2019 JGI / Jamie Grill / Getty Images More in Bipolar Disorder Treatment Medications Symptoms Diagnosis In This Article Table of Contents Expand Possible Side Effects Acute and Chronic Toxicity Drug Interactions Monitoring Tests Coping Strategies View All Back To Top Lithium is a mood stabilizer that can be helpful with bipolar disorder and other conditions but is well known for causing side effects and toxicity. That said, when tests are performed regularly to monitor levels, and people are familiar with the proper use of the drug, it can be very effective in controlling moods. What do you need to know to use lithium safely? Lithium was the first mood stabilizer medication used for bipolar disorder, having been first used for the treatment of the inflammatory condition gout. We are just starting to learn the mechanism by which this medication works at a biological level. Possible Side Effects As with many medications, lithium can come with a number of side effects, both short term and long term and both mild and serious. The most common side effects of lithium tend to be more annoying than dangerous. These include:?? Increased thirstFrequent urinationNauseaDiarrheaTremor (a tremor which is made worse by attempting delicate hand movements.Weight gain: Lithium is well known for its role in weight gain. On average, people tend to gain 13.5 pounds on the medication, but roughly 20 percent of people gain more than this. A 2016 study found that the medication Metformin may be of benefit in reducing or preventing weight gain for some people on lithium therapy.Swelling (edema)Hair loss Organs most affected (and which should be monitored) include the: Kidneys: Most of the time kidney dysfunction is mild, though sometimes this can be progressive.Thyroid: Lithium can affect thyroid function in many ways. It can cause hypothyroidism, a goiter, or autoimmune thyroiditis. Lithium therapy has also been linked with hyperthyroidism in some people.Parathyroid: Parathyroid dysfunction has been recognized more recently as a side effect of lithium use. More serious side effects include: Kidney dysfunctionNephrogenic diabetes insipidus: Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is a condition in which the kidneys are unable to concentrate the urine resulting in excess urination (polyuria) and excess thirst (polydipsia).Cognitive dysfunction:  The exact role that lithium plays in cognitive functioning is difficult to study due to the presence of the mood disorder as well as possibly hypothyroidism. A 2017 study did find that lithium had a significant impact on psychomotor speed, though it did not appear to have an impact on attention.?? Its effect on memory, intellectual abilities, and executive functioning is still unclear. Acute and Chronic Toxicity Lithium toxicity can take different forms and includes acute, chronic and acute on chronic toxicity. Early signs of lithium toxicity include diarrhea, vomiting, drowsiness, muscular weakness, and lack of coordination. More severe symptoms include ataxia (failure or irregularity of muscle action), giddiness, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), blurred vision, and a large output of dilute urine. Severe lithium toxicity is a medical emergency that can result in encephalopathy and cardiac arrhythmias.?? Drug Interactions There are several drugs which can result in increased lithium levels in the blood. These include:?? Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Advil (ibuprofen) and Aleve (naproxen.)Diuretics (water pills.)Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors) such as Vasotec (enalapril) and Prinivil (lisinopril.)Angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARBs) such as Diovan (valsartan) and Cozaar (losartan.) There are many more possible drug interactions with lithium and its important to talk to your doctor before starting any new medication or if you discontinue a medication you are taking. Caffeine and theophylline, in contrast, can result in lower lithium levels. Monitoring Tests During Lithium Therapy Blood tests are monitored both before a person begins lithium therapy, and periodically for the duration  that the medication is taken. Monitoring Lithium Levels Before treatment is started, tests are ordered to assess both kidney function and thyroid function. Lithium is excreted from the body by the kidneys, so if the kidneys are malfunctioning to any degree, levels of lithium can build up in the blood.?? Lithium levels should be monitored after treatment has begun, and then after every dosage change. Blood levels are often done 5 days after a dosage change as it takes some time for the levels to stabilize. Levels should also be checked if any new medications are added or discontinued, as many medications interact with lithium.?? Lithium has a very narrow therapeutic window which means that the level of the drug needed to have a therapeutic effect is very close, and sometimes even overlaps, with that which causes toxicity. The therapeutic level of lithium is usually between 0.8 and 1.1 mmol/L, though some people may need a level anywhere from 0.5 to 1.2 mmol/L to be therapeutic??. Levels toward the higher side are sometimes needed to control mania. Toxicity begins at around 1.5 mmol/L. Initial symptoms of toxicity often include a significant worsening of the tremor, nausea, diarrhea, and blurry vision. As levels get higher, symptoms of being unsteady, slurred speech, muscle twitches and weakness, and confusion appear. A level of 2.0 mmol/L is a medical emergency and immediate care is needed. Symptoms can include severe neurological signs such as delirium and unconsciousness. Heart arrhythmias may also occur, which if, untreated, can be fatal. Thyroid Tests: Its important to note that anyone diagnosed with bipolar disorder should have thyroid tests monitored frequently even if not on lithium since abnormal levels of thyroid hormones can cause symptoms that mimic (or precipitate) both mania and depression. Thyroid levels should be tested at least every 6 months. Calcium Levels: A serum calcium level should be checked yearly as lithium may cause hypoparathyroidism. Kidney Tests: A BUN and creatinine (kidney function tests) should be drawn at the beginning of treatment, regularly during treatment, and if any symptoms of kidney disease become evident. Other Tests: Other tests such as blood chemistries and an EKG may be needed depending on many factors. Coping With Side Effects and Toxicity There are several ways in which the risk of side effects and toxicity can be reduced. One is to minimize the dose so that blood levels are on the lower side of the therapeutic window. Timing of the dose may also be helpful. Certainly, monitoring of blood levels is important on a regular basis as well as if any new symptoms should arise. In some cases, medications can be used to reduce the symptoms of side effects. The Bottom Line Lithium can be an excellent drug for people with bipolar disorder and is thought to be the drug of choice for elderly people with bipolar disorder. It has been found to decrease the rate of suicide, a significant risk among people with the condition. Careful monitoring of levels is critical to reducing the potential for toxicity and its consequences. Side effects are common, and many of these are more annoying than dangerous. Careful monitoring of lab tests (and cardiac function especially in the elderly) is needed due to the risk of kidney dysfunction, and thyroid and hypothyroid side effects. With monitoring, however, and a careful understanding of the early symptoms of toxicity, many people have been able to enjoy the benefits of this medication without significant risks. Understanding Your Bipolar Treatment Plan

Thursday, May 21, 2020

SEVIS - visa de estudiante F-1 y de intercambio J-1

El SEVIS es un formulario que deben cubrir y pagar los extranjeros que desean estudiar en Estados Unidos (F-1, F-3 y M-1) y los que aplican a una visa de intercambio J-1. Quà © es el SEVIS Es un programa del gobierno americano que sirve para controlar las escuelas, universidades y programas de intercambio que acogen a extranjeros y tambià ©n a estos durante su estancia en Estados Unidos. Es un sistema basado en internet que da acceso a diferentes agencias gubernamentales para que puedan tener conocimiento al momento sobre cierta informacià ³n sobre los extranjeros en programas de estudio o de intercambio. A quià ©nes aplica A los estudiantes que van a realizar a estudios para estudiar inglà ©s, universitarios, de posgrado y vocacionales para lo cual precisan de una visa F-1, F-3 para estudiantes fronterizos, o una M-1.  Tambià ©n aplica a la gran mayorà ­a de solicitantes de visas de intercambio J-1. Si se quiere estudiar high school, conviene entender cuà ¡les son todas las opciones de visa. Cuà ¡nto se tiene que pagar y cà ³mo Las tarifas actuales son de $200 para los titulares de las visas tipo F y M. Los de las visas J abonarà ¡n $180 con excepcià ³n de au pairs o nià ±eras y los participantes en los programas de trabajar y viajar en verano o que viajan a Estados Unidos como monitores de campamento, ya que sà ³lo deben abonar $35. El pago puede hacerse por internet en una pà ¡gina oficial rellenando el formulario I-901, siendo necesario tener una tarjeta de crà ©dito con la que hacer el pago. Al momento se recibe el justificante de haber pagado y debe imprimirse. Tambià ©n puede pagarse mediante Western Union o cheque en dà ³lares, pero es necesario que sea de un banco en los Estados Unidos. Ademà ¡s, hay que tener en cuenta que las personas admitidas en mà ¡s de un programa deberà ¡n abonar la tarifa para cada uno de ellos. Quià ©nes no tienen que pagar el SEVIS Las personas con visas derivadas, esto es, con una F-2, M-2 o J-2. Son los familiares directos del titular de la visa que viajan con à ©l o ella a Estados Unidos. Ademà ¡s, no està ¡n obligados a pagar esta cuota los extranjeros que aplican por una visa J-1 cuando à ©sta forme parte de un programa gubernamental de educacià ³n o de intercambio. Si no se està ¡ seguro de si se està ¡ dentro de esta categorà ­a se puede verificar el formulario D-2019, donde pone nà ºmero de programa si à ©ste empieza con la letra y el nà ºmero G-1, G-2 o G-3 entonces no hay que pagar por el SEVIS. Por à ºltimo, tampoco deberà ¡n hacer este pago las personas con un documento D-2019 (para los que tienen las visas J-1) o un I-20 (para los estudiantes) que fue emitido con anterioridad al primero de septiembre de 2004. Cuà ¡ndo se debe hacer el pago Una vez que se recibe el formulario I-20 (estudiantes) o el DS-2019 (extranjeros en un programa de intercambio) pero antes de solicitar la visa y, por supuesto, antes de acudir a la oficina consular o Embajada americana para la entrevista. De hecho, al acudir a las instalaciones americanas debe llevarse un justificante del pago. Posibles problemas a tener en cuenta Ademà ¡s, el pago del SEVIS tienen una validez de 12 meses. Si por cualquier razà ³n la peticià ³n de visa es rechazada y se vuelve a aplicar en el plazo de un aà ±o, no habrà ¡ que pagar de nuevo por tal concepto (de SEVIS, sà ­ habrà ¡ que abonar de nuevo la cuota del visado). Por à ºltimo, si no se consigue la visa porque la aplicacià ³n es rechazada no se recuperarà ¡ el dinero pagado por el SEVIS (ni tampoco por haber aplicado por el visado). Ademà ¡s, para obtener una visa no inmigrante, como la de estudiante o intercambio, y tambià ©n para renovarla es necesario cumplir dos requisitos: ser elegible para la visa y ser admisible a Estados Unidos. Si no se cumplen, habrà ¡ problemas. Incluso puede ser negado el ingreso a USA por el oficial del control migratorio, aà ºn cuando se tenga una visa vigente. Estas son 20 causas que pueden convertir a una persona en inelegible (son comunes a la visa de turista) y estas son 22 que convierten a un extranjero en inadmisible.   Si se obtiene la visa, es muy importante estar en todo momento en situacià ³n de estatus migratorio và ¡lido. Para ello evitar situaciones que pueden parecer poco relevantes pero que, en realidad, tienen consecuencias migratorias muy graves, por ejemplo, la posesià ³n de marihuana (mariguana, cannabis). De interà ©s para estudiantes internacionales (visa F-1) Estudiar en Estados Unidos es caro, por lo que es importante intentar obtener becas, por ejemplo, estas  13 universidades de à ©lite con admisiones need-blind (becas con todo -o casi-pagado) becan a todo tipo de estudiantes que cumplen los requisitos, incluidos los extranjeros. Y precisamente porque es tan caro, los estudiantes procuran realizar sus estudios en buenas instituciones. Y para los curiosos, à ©stas son las que conforman la famosa  Ivy League. Ademà ¡s, para estudiar en un college o universidad de EE.UU. es necesario convalidar los estudios en organizaciones reconocidas por dichas instituciones. Una vez que se obtiene el tà ­tulo es frecuente que deba obtenerse la apostilla de la Haya para homologar los estudios en el paà ­s de origen del estudiante. De interà ©s para personas con visa J-1 Hay muchos programas bajo el paraguas de las J-1. Una de las que despiertan mayor interà ©s es la de  mà ©dicos para estudiar la residencia en Estados Unidos, pero hay muchas mà ¡s. Finalmente, la visa  visa O-1  puede servir de opcià ³n a la J-1 en algunos casos para algunos programas. Es importante familiarizarse con las posibles opciones segà ºn el caso de cada persona. Testimonial Lee esta entrevista a Miguel Pà ©rez, primero estudiante becado universitario y ahora residente permanente. Entre otras cosas muestra de una manera clara cà ³mo es posible ir cambiando de programas, siempre legalmente y conservando el estatus migratorio.   Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The World As We Know Today - 1407 Words

In the world as we know today â€Å"humans† are transforming as we know it, the pure definition of what it is to be human can never have a true answer as humans are constantly evolving. Before taking ISP 255 I originally came in this class with the notion that being a human is the fact that we are bipedal and assume other different unique characteristics. However my views of this have changed since taking the class because my mind adapted new ideas and theories. Humans can be defined as many things as of today because we are living in a time where humanness is changing constantly. The many technologies that we build to make life easier for ourselves is creating a whole new world. When our species first inhabited the earth we weren’t alone as evidence shows, there were many creatures including dinosaurs. What separated us from any animals including dinosaurs is our free will to think of something and then attempt to do it rather than rely on pure instincts. Every human h as the consciousness to hold them back from following they’re pure instincts and that alone is a sign of being human. Humanity created many different religions and all of these religions follow the same guidelines that keep the humans that follow them in order. Even people who don’t believe in a religion are still human because they had that personal choice of choosing to not follow a religion. This is the main characteristic of being human, the free will to do as you choose and exceed limitations of instincts. InShow MoreRelatedHow Technology Has Shaped The World Of Business We Know Today Essay1379 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Technology’s evolution has shaped the world of business we know today. It was absolutely necessary, just a few decades ago, to be present in a physical work place for one’s occupation; being if that occupation involved an office. Today, a company of two hundred people can be run from all remote locations. 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Comparison of Newspaper Headlines Free Essays

Newspaper headline creates a powerful meaning and interpretation of the whole article. This collection of words sums up the entire story and represents in totality the equally significant lead. A headline intrigues and awakens or grabs a reader’s interest. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparison of Newspaper Headlines or any similar topic only for you Order Now   At the same time, it reinforces the intellectual aspect of the reading public through the rational and logical contentment gained when a reader successfully understands a newspaper headline. A story headline strengthens one’s sense of belonging to his or her community in two ways: first, through the references to one’s own society and nation; and second, through stereotyped representations of other countries and citizens. News organizations on the internet generally aim to post headlines on the website that will attract and leave an impact to search engine crawlers and internet visitors as much as the regular printed news readers. For this purpose, two negatively-toned or presented news headlines of the same story can have different interpretations and effects on the readers. Such examples are that of the news about the comment of President Bush on the alleged establishment and expansion of U.S. bases in Africa. These are the news from the MSNBC website under the headline: â€Å"Bush: U.S. wont build new Africa bases† and the other news article from the Aljazeera website carrying the headline: â€Å"Bush denies Africa expansion plan† (MSNBC, 2008 ; Aljazeera, 2008). The MSNBC and Aljazeera news headlines were both stated in a negative manner. The former headline (from MSNBC) was presented as an obvious direct quote, apparently coming straight from the U.S. President. The second headline, on the other hand, appears to have been delivered by a second source, not by President Bush himself. The headline by the Aljazeera news implies that denial is the usual and standard official statement from the White House and not a strong affirmation that the U.S. will definitely not build bases and expand their military power in Africa. Although the said two headlines are somewhat pessimistic in tone, the MSNBC â€Å"direct quote† headline appears to be more effective than the Aljazeera â€Å"denial† headline. This is because the headline was written in a straight-forward defense of President Bush that U.S. will not (by using the term â€Å"won’t†) build new Africa bases. Readers of today are always in a rush while accessing vast amount of information from thousands of websites. Thus, the MSNBC headline addresses the basic goal of internet news organizations of catching the attention and immediate comprehension of online news readers. The MSNBC headline is even beefed up by what is called the subhead (with the phrases â€Å"President dismisses talk†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). This subhead supports and reinforces the main headline which imparts a definite statement that the U.S. is unquestionably not building new U.S. bases in the African continent. References Aljazeera. (2008, February 20). Bush denies Africa expansion plan. Retrieved February 21,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2008, from MSNBC. (2008, February 20). Bush: U.S. won’t build new Africa bases. President dismisses   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   talk of more military bases on continent as ‘baloney’. Retrieved February 21, 2008,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   from  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   C3F8420F79B1.htm. ; ; ; ; ; How to cite Comparison of Newspaper Headlines, Essay examples

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Sample Paper for Competitive Exam free essay sample

An axially loaded bar is subjected to a normal stress of 173 MPa. The shear stress in the bar is (A) 75MPa (B) 86. 5MPa (C) 100MPa (D) 122. 3MPa Q. 5 A steel column, pinned at both ends, has a buckling load of 200kN. If the column is restrained against lateral movement at its mid-height, its buckling load will be (A) 200kN (B) 283kN (C) 400kN (D) 800kN Q. 6 The stiffness coefficient kij indicates (A) force at i due to a unit deformation at j. (B) deformation at j due to a unit force at i. (C) deformation at i due to a unit force at j. D) force at j due to a unit deformation at i. For an isotropic material, the relationship between the Young’s modulus (E), shear modulus (G) and Poisson’s ratio ( µ) is given by ( A) G = E 2(1 +  µ ) ( B) E = G 2(1 +  µ ) (C ) G = E (1 + 2 µ ) ( D) G = E 2(1 ?  µ ) Q. 7  © All rights reserved by GATE Forum Educational Services Pvt. We will write a custom essay sample on Sample Paper for Competitive Exam or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Ltd. , www. gateforum. com No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission. Discuss this questions paper at www. gatementor. com. 1 ?CE? Civil Engineering: Gate 2007 Paper http://www. ateforum. com/gate_papers. php Q. 8 A clay soil sample is tested in triaxial apparatus in consolidated-drained conditions at a cell pressure of 100 kN/m2. What will be the pore water pressure at a deviator stress of 40kN/m2? (A) 0kN /m2 (B) 20kN/m2 (C) 40kN/m2 (D) 60kN/m2 Q. 9 The number of blows observed in a Standard Penetration Test (SPT) for different penetration depths are given as follows. Penetration of sampler Number of blows 0-150mm 150-300mm 300-450mm The observed N value is (A) 8 (B) 14 Q. 10 6 8 10 (C) 18 (D) 24 The vertical stress at some depth below the corner of a 2m x 3m rectangular footing due to a certain load intensity is 100 kN / m2 below the centre of a 4m x 6m rectangular footing at the same depth and same load intensity? (A) 25 (B) 100 (C) 200 (D) 400 There is a free overfall at the end of a long open channel. For a given flow rate, the critical depth is less than the normal depth. What gradually varied flow profile will occur in the channel for this flow rate? (A) M1 (B) M2 (C) M3 (D) S1 The consumptive use of water for a crop during a particular stage of growth is 2. mm / day. The maximum depth of available water is the root zone is 60mm. Irrigation is required when the amount of available water is 50% of the maximum available water in the root zone. Frequency of irrigation should be (A) 10 days (B) 15days (C) 20days (D) 25days As per the Lacey’s method for design of alluvial channels, identity the true statement from the following (A) Wetted perimeter increases with an i ncrease in design discharge (B) Hydraulic radius increases with an increase in silt factor. (C) Wetted perimeter decreases with an increase in design discharge. D) Wetted perimeter increases with an increase in silt factor. At two points 1 and 2 in a pipeline the velocities are V and 2V, respectively. Both the points are at the same elevation. Both the points are at the same elevation. The Q. 11 Q. 12 Q. 13 Q. 14  © All rights reserved by GATE Forum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. , www. gateforum. com No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission. Discuss this questions paper at www. gatementor. com. 2 ?CE? Civil Engineering: Gate 2007 Paper http://www. gateforum. com/gate_papers. hp fluid density is ?. The flow can be assumed to be in compressible, inviscid, steady and irrotational. The difference in pressures P1 and P2 at points 1 and 2 is (A) 0. 5? V2 Q. 15 (B) 1. 5? V2 (C) 2? V2 (D) 3? V2 The presence of hardness in excess of permissible limit causes (A) Cardio Vascular problems (B) Skin discolouration (C) Calcium deficiency (D) Increased laundry expenses The dispersion of pollutants in atmosphere is maximum when (A) environmental lapse rate is greater than adiabatic lapse rate. (B) environmental lapse rate is less than adiabatic lapse rate. C) environmental lapse rate is equal to adiabatic lapse rate. (D) maximum mixing depth is equal to zero. The alkalinity and the hardness of a water sample are 250mg/L and 350 mg/L as CaCo3, respectively. The water has (A) 350 mg/L carbonate hardness and zero non-carbonate hardness. (B) 250mg/L carbonate hardness and zero non-carbonate hardness. (C) 250mg/L carbonate hardness and 350 mg/L non-carbonate hardness. (D) 250mg/L carbonate hardness and 100 mg/L non-carbonate hardness. The consistency and flow resistance of bitumen can be determined from the following. A) Ductility test (B) Penetration test (C) Softening point Test (D) Viscosity test If a two-lane national highway and a two-lane state highway intersect at right right angles, the number of potential conflict points at the intersection, assuming that both the roads are two-way is (A) 11 (B) 17 (C) 24 (D) 32 In signal design as per Indian Roads Congress specifications, if the sum of the ratios of normal flows to saturation flow of two directional traffic flow is 0. 50 and the total lost time per cycle is 10 seconds, the optimum cycle length in seconds is (A) 100 (B) 80 (C) 60 (D) 40 Q. 16 Q. 17 Q. 18 Q. 19 Q. 20 Q. 21 to Q. 75 carry two marks each Q. 21 For what values of ? and ? the following simultaneous equations have an infinite number of solutions? x + y + z = 5; x + 3y + 3z = 9; x + 2y + ? z = ? (A) 2,7 (B) 3,8 (C) 8,3 (D) 7,2  © All rights reserved by GATE Forum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. , www. gateforum. com No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission. Discuss this questions paper at www. gatementor. com. 3 ?CE? Civil Engineering: Gate 2007 Paper http://www. gateforum. com/gate_papers. php Q. 22 A velocity vector is given as r r r r V = 5 xy i + 2 y 2 j + 3 yz 2 k . The divergence of this velocity vector at (1,1,1) is (A) 9 (B) 10 (C) 14 (D) 15 A body originally at 600C cools down to 400C in 15minutes when kept in air at a temperature of 250C. What will be the temperature of the body at the end of 30minutes? (A) 35. 20C (B) 31. 50C (C) 28. 70C (D) 150C The following equation needs to be numerically solved using the NewtonRaphson method. x3 + 4x – 9 = 0 The iterative equation for this purpose is (k indicates the iteration level) 2 x3 + 9 3x k2 + 4 k ( A) xk +1 = 2 ( B) xk +1 = 2 3xk + 4 2 xk + 9 2 (C ) xk +1 = xk ? xk + 4 Q. 23 Q. 24 ( D) xk +1 = 4 xk2 + 3 2 9 xk + 2 ? Q. 25 Evaluate ( A) ? ? sin t dt t 0 ( B) ? 2 (C ) ? 4 ( D) ? 3 Q. 26 Potential function ? is given as ? = x 2 + y 2 . What will be the stream function (? ) with the condition ? = 0 at x = y = 0? (A) 2xy (B) x2 + y2 (C) x2 – y2 (D) 2x2y2 Q. 27 ?1 2 ? The inverse of the 2 x 2 matrix ? ? is ? 5 7 ? 1 ? ?7 2 ? ( A) ? 3 ? 5 ? 1? ? 1 ? 7 ? 2 ? (C ) ? 3 ? ?5 1 ? ? Q. 28 1 ? 7 2? ( B) ? 3 ? 5 1 ? ? 1 ? ?7 ? 2 ? ( D) ? 3 ? ?5 ? 1? ? Given that one root of the equation x3-102+31x-30=0 is 5, the other two roots are (A) 2 and 3 (B) 2 and 4 (C) 3 and 4 (D) -2 and -3 All rights reserved by GATE Forum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. , www. gateforum. com No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission. Discuss this questions paper at www. gatementor. com. 4 ?CE? Civil Engineering: Gate 2007 Paper http://www. gateforum. com/gate_papers. php Q. 29 If the standard deviation of the spot speed of vehicles in a highway is 8. 8 kmph and the mean speed of the vehicles is 33kmph, the coefficient of variation in speed is (A) 0. 1517 (B) 0. 1867 (C) 0. 2666 (D) 0. 646 A metal bar of length 100mm is inserted between two rigid supports and its temperature is increased by 100C. If the coefficient of thermal expansion is 12 x 10-6 per 0C and the Young†™s modulus is 2 x 105 MPa, the stress in the bar is (A) zero (B) 12MPa (C) 24MPa (D) 2400MPa A rigid bar is suspended by three rods made of the same material as shown in the figure. The area and length of the central rod are 3A and L, respectively while that of the two outer rods are 2A and 2L respectively. If a downward force of 50kN is applied to the rigid bar, the forces in the central and each of the outer rods will be (A) 16. 7 kN each (B) 30kN and 15kN (C) 30kN and 10kN (D) 21. 4kN and 14. 3kN The maximum and minimum shear stresses in a hollow circular shaft of outer diameter 20mm and thickness 2mm, subjected to a torque of 92. 7 N. m will be (A) 59 MPa and 47. 2 MPa (B) 10MPa and 80MPa (C) 118 MPa and 160 MPa (D) 200 MPa and 160 MPa The shear stress at the neutral axis in a beam of triangular section with a base of 40mm and height of 20mm, subjected to a shear force of 3kN is (A) 3MPa (B) 6MPa (C) 10MPa (D) 20MPa U1 and U2 are the strain energies stored in a prismatic bar d ue to axial tensile forces P1 and P2 respectively. The strain energy stored in the same bar due to combined action of P1 and P2 will be (A) U = U1 + U2 (B) U = U1 U2 (C) U 1 + U2 The right triangular truss is made of members having equal cross sectional area of 1550 mm2 and Young’s modulus of 2 x 105 MPa. The horizontal deflection of the joint Q is Q 135kN 6m Q. 30 Q. 31 Q. 32 Q. 33 Q. 34 Q. 35 P 4. 5m R (A) 2. 47mm (B) 10. 25mm (C) 14. 1mm (D) 15. 68mm  © All rights reserved by GATE Forum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. , www. gateforum. com No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission. Discuss this questions paper at www. gatementor. com. 5 ?CE? Civil Engineering: Gate 2007 Paper http://www. gateforum. com/gate_papers. php Q. 36 The influence line diagram (ILD) shown is for the member P Q R S tension ILD compression (A) PS Q. 37 (B) RS (C) PQ (D) QS Consider the following statements: The compressive strength of concrete decreases with increase in water1. cement ratio of the concrete mix. 2. Water is added to the concrete mix for hydration of cement and workability. Creep and shrinkage of concrete are independent of the water-cement ratio 3. in the concrete mix. The true statements are (A) 1 and 2 (B) 1, 2 and 3 (C) 2 and 3 (D) only 2 The percentage loss of prestress due to anchorage slip of 3mm in a concrete beam of length 30m which is post-tensioned by a tendon with an initial stress of 1200 N / mm2 and modulus of elasticity equal to 2. 1 x 105 N/mm2 is (A) 0. 0175 (B) 0. 175 (C) 1. 75 (D) 17. 5 A concrete beam of rectangular cross-section of size 120mm (width) and 200mm (depth) is prestressed by a straight tendon to an effective force of 150kN at an eccentricity of 20mm (below the centroidal axis in the depth direction). The stresses at the top and bottom fibres of the section are (A) 2. 5 N/mm2 (compression), 10N/mm2 (compression) (B) 10N / mm2 (tension), 3. 75 N / mm2 (C) 3. 75 N/mm2 (tension), 3. 75 N/mm2 (compression) (D) 2. 75 N/mm2 (compression), 3. 75 N/mm2 (compression) Q. 38 Q. 39 Q. 40 Consider the following statements: I. Modulus of elasticity concrete increases with increase in compressive strength of concrete. II. Brittleness of concrete increases with decrease in compressive strength of concrete.  © All rights reserved by GATE Forum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. , www. gateforum. om No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission. Discuss this questions paper at www. gatementor. com. 6 ?CE? Civil Engineering: Gate 2007 Paper http://www. gateforum. com/gate_papers. php III. Shear strength of concrete increases with increase in compressive strength of concrete. The TRUE statements are (A) II and III (B) I, II and III Q. 41 (C) I and II ( D) I and III A steel flat of rectangular section of size 70 x 6 mm is connected to a gusset plate by three bolts each having a shear capacity of 15kN in holes having diameter 11. 5mm. If the allowable tensile stress in the flat is 150MPa, the maximum tension that can be applied to the flat is 15 20 20 15 35 T (A) 42. 3kN Q. 42 (B) 52. 65kN (C) 59. 5kN (D) 63. 0kN A bracket connection is made with four bolts of 10mm diameter and supports a load of 10kN a an eccentricity of 100mm. the maximum force to be resisted by any bolt will be P 10kN 30 30 40 40 (A) 5kN Q. 43 (B) 6. 5kN (C) 6. 8kN (D) 7. 16kN The plastic collapse load Wp for the propped cantilever supporting two point loads as shown in the figure in terms of plastic moment capacity, Mp is given by W W L/3 L/3 L/3 (A) 3Mp/L (B) 4Mp/L C) 5 Mp/L (D) 6Mp/L  © All rights reserved by GATE Forum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. , www. gateforum. com No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission. Discuss this questions paper at www. gatementor. com. 7 ?CE? Civil Engineering: Gate 2007 Paper http://www. gateforum. com/gate_papers. php Q. 44 Sieve analysis on a dry soil sample of mass 1000g showed that 980g and 270g of soil pass through 4. 75mm and 0. 075mm sieve, respectively. The liquid limit and plastic limits of the soil fraction passing through 425 µ sieves are 40% and 18% respectively. The soil may be classified as (A) SC (B) MI (C) CI (D) SM Q. 45 The water content of a saturated soil and the specific gravity of soil solids were found to be 30% and 2. 70, respectively. Assuming the unit weight of water to be 10kN / m3, the saturated unit weight (kN/m3), and the void ratio of the soil are (A) 19. 4, 0. 81 (B) 18. 5, 0. 30 (C) 19. 4. 0. 45 (D) 18. 5, 0. 45 Q. 46 The factor of safety of an infinite soil slope shown in the figure having the properties c=0, c = 0, ? = 350 , ? dry = 16kN / m3 and ? sat = 20kN / m3 is approximately equal to 10m 8m 30 0 (A) 0. 70 Q. 7 (B) 0. 80 (C) 1. 00 (D) 1. 20 Match the following groups Group – I Group – II P Q R S Constant head permeability test Consolidation test Pycnometer test Negative skin friction 1. 2. 3. 4. Pile foundations Specific gravity Clay soil Sand (A) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1 (C) P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1 (B) P-4, Q-2, R-3, S-1 (D) P-4, Q-1, R-2, S-3  © All rights reserved by GATE Forum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd . , www. gateforum. com No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission. Discuss this questions paper at www. gatementor. com. 8 ?CE? Civil Engineering: Gate 2007 Paper http://www. gateforum. com/gate_papers. php Q. 48 The bearing capacity of a rectangular footing of plan dimensions 1. 5m x 3m resting on the surface of a sand deposit was estimated as 600 kN/m2 when the water table is far below the base of the footing. The bearing capacities in kN/m2 when the water level rises to depths of 3m, 1. 5m and 0. 5m below the base of the footing are (A) 600, 600, 400 (C) 600, 500, 250 (B) 600, 450, 350 (D) 600, 400, 250 Q. 49 What is the ultimate capacity in kN of the pile group shown in the figure assuming the group to fail as a single block? . 4m diameter piles 10m Clay soil 2 C u = 40kN/m 1. 2m c/c 1. 2m c/c (A) 921. 6 Q. 50 (B) 1177. 6 (C) 2438. 6 (D) 3481. 6 A horizontal water jet with a velocity of 10m/s and cross sectional area of 10mm2 strikes a flat plate held normal to the flow direction. The density of water is 1000 kg/m3. The total force on the plate due to the jet is (A) 100N (B) 10N (C) 1N (D) 0. 1N Q. 51 A 1 :50 scale model of a spillway is to be tested in the laboratory. The discharge in the prototype is 1000M3 /s. The discharge to be maintained in the model test is (A) 0. 57m3/s (B) 0. 08m2/s (C) 0. 57m3/s (D) 5. 7m3/s Q. 52 A triangular open channel has a vertex angle of 900 and carries flow at a critical depth of 0. 30m. the discharge in the channel is (A) 0. 08m3/s (B) 0. 11 m3/s (C) 0. 15 m3/s (D) 0. 2 m3/s Flow rate of a fluid (density = 1000kg/m3) in a small diameter tube is 800 m3/s. The length and the diameter of the tube are 2m and 0. 5mm, respectively. The pressure drop in 2m length is equal to 2. 0MPa. The viscosity of the fluid is (A) 0. 025N. s/m2 (B) 0. 012N. s/m2 (C) 0. 0092 N. s/m2 (D) 0. 00102 N. s/m2 Q. 53 All rights reserved by GATE Forum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. , www. gateforum. com No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission. Discuss this questions paper at www. gatementor. com. 9 ?CE? Civil Engineering: Gate 2007 Paper http://www. gateforum. com/gate_papers. php Q. 54 The flow rate in a wide rectangular open channel is 2. 0m3/s per meter width. The channel bed slope is 0. 002. The Manning’s roughness coefficient is 0. 012. The slope of the channel is classified as (A) Critical (B) Horizontal (C) Mild (D) Steep Q. 5 The culturable command area for a distributary channel is 20,000 hectares. Wheat grown in the entire area and the intensity of irrigation is 50%. The kor period for wheat is 30 days and the kor water depth is 120mm. The outlet discharge for the distributary should be (A) 2. 85m3/s (B) 3. 21m3/s (C) 4. 63m3/s (D) 5. 23m3/s Q. 56 An isolated 4-hour storm occurred over a catchment as follows Time Rainfall (mm) 1st hour 9 2nd hour 28 3rd hour 12 4th hour 7 The ? index for the catchment is 10mm/h. The estimated runoff depth from the catchment due to the above storm is (A) 10mm Q. 7 (B) 16mm (C) 20mm (D) 23mm Two electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) are in series. The fra ctional efficiencies of the upstream and downstream ESPs for size dp are 80% and 65%. Respectively. What is the overall efficiency of the system for the same dp? (A) 100% (B) 93% (C) 80% (D) 65% Q. 58 50g of CO2 and 25g of CH4 are produced from the decomposition of municipal solid waste (MSW) with a formula weight of 120g. What is the average per capita green house gas production in a city of 1 million people with a MSW production rate of 500 ton / day? A) 104 g/day (B) 120 g/day (C) 208 g/day (D) 313 g /day The extra widening required for a two-lane national highway at a horizontal curve of 300 m radius, considering a wheel base of 8m and a design speed of 100kmph is (A) 0. 42m (B) 0. 62m (C) 0. 82m (D) 0. 92m While designing a hill road with a ruling gradient of 6%, if a sharp horizontal curve of 50m radius is encountered, the compensated gradient at the curve as per the Indian Roads Congress specifications should be (A) 4. 4% (B) 4. 75% (C) 5. 0% (D) 5. 25% Q. 59 Q. 60  © All r ights reserved by GATE Forum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. , www. ateforum. com No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission. Discuss this questions paper at www. gatementor. com. 10 ?CE? Civil Engineering: Gate 2007 Paper http://www. gateforum. com/gate_papers. php Q. 61 The design speed on a road is 60kmph. Assuming the driver reaction time of 2. 5 seconds and coefficient of friction of pavement surface as 0. 35, the required stopped distance for two-way traffic on a single lane road is (A) 82. 1m (B) 102. 4 (C) 164. 2m (D) 186. 4m The width of the expansion joint is 20mm in a cement concrete pavement. The laying temperature is 200C and the maximum slab temperature in summer is 600C. The coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete is 10 x 10-6 mm/mm / 0C and the joint filler compresses upto 50% of the thickness. The spacing between expansion joints should be (A) 20m (B) 25m (C) 30m (D) 40m The following data pertains to the number of commercial vehicles per day for the design of a flexible pavement for a national highway as per IRC: 37-1984 Type of commercial Number of vehicles per day Vehicle Damage Factor vehicle considering the number of lanes Two axle trucks 2000 5 Tandem axle trucks 200 6 Assuming a traffic growth factor of 7. % per annum for both the types of vehicles, the cumulative number of standard axle load repetitions (in million) for a design life of ten years is (A) 44. 6 (B) 57. 8 (C) 62. 4 (D) 78. 7 Q. 62 Q. 63 Q. 64 Match the following tests on aggregate and its properties TEST PROPERTY P. Q. R. S. Crushing Test Los Angles abrasion test Soundness test Angularity t est 1. 2. 3. 4. Hardness Weathering Shape Strength (A) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3 (C) P-3, Q-2, R-1, S-4 Q. 65 (B) P-4, Q-2, R-3, S-1 (D) P-4, Q-1, R-2, S-2 The plan of a map was photo copied to a reduced size such that a line originally 100mm, measures 90mm. The original scale of the plan was 1:1000. The revised scale is (A) 1:900 (B) 1:11111 (C) 1:1121 (D) 1:1221  © All rights reserved by GATE Forum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. , www. gateforum. com No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission. Discuss this questions paper at www. gatementor. com. 11 ?CE? Civil Engineering: Gate 2007 Paper http://www. gateforum. com/gate_papers. php Q. 66 The following table gives data of consecutive coordinates in respect of a closed theodolite traverse PQRSP. Station Northing, m Southing, m Easting, m Westing, m P Q R S 400. 75 100. 25 199. 0 300. 0 199. 25 399. 75 300. 5 200. 5 The magnitude and direction of error of closure in whole circle bearing are (A) 2. 0m and 450 (C) 2. 82m and 3150 Q. 67 (B) 2. 0m and 3150 (D) 3. 42m and 450 The following measurements were made during testing a leveling instrument. Staff Reading at Instrument at P1 Q1 P Q 2. 800m 2. 700m 1. 700m 1. 800m P1 is close to P and Q1 is close to Q. If the reduced level of station P is 100. 000m, the reduced level of station Q is (A) 99. 000m (B) 100. 000m (C) 101. 00m (D) 102. 000m Q. 68 Two straight lines intersect at an angle of 600. The radius of a curve joining the two straight lines is 600m. The length of long chord and mid-ordinates in metres of the curve are (A) 80. 4, 600. 00 (B) 600. 0, 80. 4 (C) 600. 0, 39. 89 (D) 40, 89,300 The magnetic bearing of a line AB is S 450 E and the declination is 50 West. The true bearing of the line AB is (A) S 450 E (B) S 400 E ( C) S 500 E (D) S 500 W Q. 69 COMMON DATA QUESTIONS Common Data for Questions 70 and 71 Water is flowing through the permeability apparatus as shown in the figure. The coefficient of permeability of the soil is km/s and the porosity of the soil sample is 0. 50.  © All rights reserved by GATE Forum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. , www. gateforum. com No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission. Discuss this questions paper at www. gatementor. com. 12 ?CE? Civil Engineering: Gate 2007 Paper http://www. gateforum. com/gate_papers. php 0. 4m soil R 0. 8m 0. 4m Q. 70 The total head, elevation head and pressure head in metres of water at the point R shown in the figure are (A) 0. 8, 0. , 0. 4 (C) 0. 4, 0, 0. 4 (B) 1. 2, 0. 4, 0. 8 (D) 1. 6, 0. 4, 1. 2 Q. 71 What are the discharge velocity and seepage velocity through the soil sample? (A) k, 2k (B) 2/3k, 4/3k (C) 2k,k (D) 4/3k, 2/3k Common Data for Questions 72 and 73: Ordinates of a 1-hour unit hydrograph at 1 hour intervals, starting from time t = 0, are 0, 2, 6,4,2,1 and 0 m3/s. Q. 72 Catchment area represented by this unit hydrograph is (A) 1. 0 km2 Q. 73 (B) 2. 0 km2 (C) 3. 2 km2 (D) 5. 4 km2 Ordinate of a 3-hour unit hydrograph for the catchment at t=3 hours is (A) 2. 0m3/s (B) 3. 0m3/s (C) 4. m3/s (D) 5. 0m3/s Common Data for Questions 74 and 75: A completely mixed activated sludge process is used to treat a wastewater flow of 1 million litres per day (1 MLD) having a BOD5 of 200 mg/L. The biomass concentration in the aeration tank is 2000 mg/L and the concentration of the net biomass leaving the system of 50mg/L. the aeration tank has a volume of 200 m3. Q. 74 What is the hydraulic retention time of the wastewater in aeration tank? (A) 0. 2h (B) 4. 8h (C) 10h (D) 24h  © All rights reserved by GATE Forum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. , www. gateforum. om No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission. Discuss this questions paper at www. gatementor. com. 13 ?CE? Civil Engineering: Gate 2007 Paper http://www. gateforum. com/gate_papers. php Q. 75 What is the average time for which the biomass stays in the system? (A) 5h (B) 8h (C) 2days (D) 8 days Linked Answer Questions: Q. 76 to Q. 85 carry TWO marks each Statement for Linked Answer Questions 76 and 77 Q. 76 A two span continuous beam having equal spans each of length L is subjected to a uniformly distributed load ? per unit length. The beam has constant flexural rigidity. The reaction at the middle support is 5? L 5? L ? L2 (A) ? L (B) (C) (D) 2 4 16 Statement for Linked Answer Questions 78 and 79 A singly reinforced rectangular concrete beam has a width of 150mm and an effective depth of 330mm. The characteristic compressive strength of concrete is 20 MPa. Adopt the stress block for concrete as given in IS 456-2000 and take limiting value of depth of neutral axis as 0. 48 times the effective depth of the beam. Q. 78 The limiting value of the moment of resistance of the beam is kN. m is (A) 0. 14 (B) 0. 45 (C) 45. 08 (D) 156. 82 Q. 79 The limiting area of tension steel in mm2 is (A) 473. 9 (B) 412. 3 (C) 373. 9 (D) 312. 3 Statement for Linked Answer Questions 80 and 81 The ground conditions at a site are as shown in the figure. The water table at the site which was initially at a depth of 5m below the ground level got permanently lowered to a depth of 15m below the ground level due to pumping of water over a few years. Assume the following data i. ii. iii. iv. unit weight of water = 10kN/m3 unit weight of sand above water table = 18kN/m3 unit weight of sand and clay below the water table = 20kN/m3 coefficient of volume compressibility = 0. 5m2/MN G. L. original water table 20m lowered water table Clay soil 5m 15m 5m 5m  © All rights reserved by GATE Forum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. , www. gateforum. com No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission. Discuss this questions paper at www. gatementor. com. 14 ?CE? Civil Engineering: Gate 2007 Paper http://www. g ateforum. com/gate_papers. php Q. 80 What is the change in the effective stress in kN/m2 at mid-depth of the clay layer due to the lowering of the water table? A) 0 (B) 20 (C) 80 (D) 100 What is the compression of the clay layer in mm due to the lowering of the water table? (A) 125 (B) 100 (C) 25 (D) 0 Q. 81 Statement for Linked Answer Questions 82 and 83 A rectangular open channel needs to be designed to carry a flow of 2. 0m3/s under uniform flow conditions. The Manning’s roughness coefficient is 0. 018. The channel should be such that the flow depth is equal to half the width, and the Froude number is equal to 0. 5. Q. 82 The bed slope of the channel to be provided is (A) 0. 0012 (B) 0. 0021 (C) 0. 0025 (D) 0. 0052 Q. 83 Keeping the width, flow depth and roughness the same, if the bed slope of the above channel is doubled, the average, boundary shear stress under uniform flow conditions is (A) 5. 6 N/m2 (B) 10. 8 N/m2 (C) 12. 3 N/m2 (D) 17. 2 N/m2 Statement for Linked Answer Questions 84 and 85 A plain sedimentation tank with a length of 20m, width of 10m, and a depth of 3m is used in a water treatment plant to treat 4 million litres of water per day (4 MLD). The average temperature of water is 200C. The dynamic viscosity of water is 1. 002 x 10-3 N. s/m2 at 200 C. Density of water is 998. 2 kg/M3. Average specific gravity of particles is 2. 5. Q. 84 What is the surface overflow rate in the sedimentation tank? (A) 20m3 / m2 / day (B) 40m3 / m2 / day (C) 67m3 / m2 / day (D) 133m3 / m2 / day What is the minimum diameter of the particle which can be removed with 100% efficiency in the above sedimentation tank? (A) 11. 8 x 10-3 mm (C) 50 x 10-3 mm (B) 16. 0 x 10-3 mm (D) 160 x 10-3 mm Q. 85  © All righ ts reserved by GATE Forum Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. , www. gateforum. com No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission. Discuss this questions paper at www. gatementor. com. 15